Help, My Puppy is Scared of Car Rides

Puppy Scared of Car Ride

  If your puppy is scared of car rides, rest assured, you are not alone. Many puppies are scared of car rides and fear can cause a vast array of physiological responses such as rapid heartbeat, increased respiration, panting and drooling. Puppies may perceive the car as a trap and the worst part is that … Read more

How to Potty Train a Puppy Using a Bell

Potty Train a Puppy

  To potty train a puppy using a bell, you will need a puppy who is older and has attained sufficient bladder and bowel control, considering that, with many very young puppies, by the time they realize they need to potty, they have already soiled the carpet. The main advantage of potty training a puppy … Read more

Puppy Potty Training Rules

Puppy Potty Training

  There are several potty training rules that can help you expedite the potty training process. These puppy potty training rules are ready for you to use so that you do not have to learn from your mistakes wasting precious time. When you potty train a puppy, there is a lot of things to be … Read more