Pros and Cons of Fence Peepholes for Dogs

Fence Peepholes for Dogs

  Fence peepholes for dogs are growing in popularity and many dog owners are interested in their use. However, as with many things in life, fence peepholes for dogs offer some pros and cons. Before committing to purchasing one, it therefore helps considering all the advantages and disadvantages associated with their use. Learning more about … Read more

Puppy Excited When Greeting Dogs and People

Puppy Excited When Greeting Dogs and People

  A puppy excited when greeting dogs and people can feel like a difficult problem to overcome. Many puppy owners are dealing with this problem and seeking help on ways to calm down their puppy. Fortunately, there are several things puppy owners can do with their puppies to teach them better ways to cope with … Read more

How to Stop a Dog from Destroying Toys

Dog Destroying Toys

  Help, my American bulldog chews on everything, how can I stop a dog from destroying toys? I think I have bought just about every chew toy they sell out there, including the Kong which I had high expectations, but he managed to chew that up too! Is there anything you can suggest? This is a … Read more

How to Exercise a Lazy Dog

Lazy Dog

  Learning how to exercise a lazy dog  may take a creative approach. You will have to find out ways to motive your dog to keep moving. While countless dog owners are often desperately looking for suggestions on how to cope with their hyper dogs, on the other side of the spectrum, are dog owners looking … Read more

Purpose of a Dog Management Plan

Dog Management Plan

  Dogs owners may sometimes wonder what’s the purpose of a dog management plan. When a dog trainer suggests management as the very first thing, dog owners may feel a bit confused and perhaps even a bit disappointed. Yet, management is often something that is deeply overlooked, even by the most attentive and dedicated dog … Read more

Help For Dogs Who are Reactive to Visitors

Dogs Reactive to Visitors

  There are many dogs who are reactive to visitors and dog owners seeking for help. One of the most important steps when dealing with dog behavior problems is preventing the dog from rehearsing problem behaviors. The fact is, dogs are good at rehearsals, the more they engage in a problem behavior, the more that … Read more

Help, My Dog Won’t Take Treats During Training

Dog Won't Take Treats

  If your dog won’t take treats during training or behavior modification how can you progress in your training or behavior modification program? This is a good question, but there are fortunately several solutions. If your dog is not taking treats during training, you will have to closely evaluate why this is happening in the … Read more

Social Anxiety in Dogs

Social Anxiety in Dogs

  Social anxiety in dogs is often depicted as dogs feeling uncomfortable when exposed to social situations. Often, dogs may feel intimidated when being around people or other animals. Nervous behavior may be exhibited by barking and growling when exposed to new people or dogs. This is often a distance-increasing behavior that means that the … Read more